Aalborg for Internationals

Here is a list of websites with useful information about networking and settling into life in Aalborg.

Moving to Aalborg
Information about the necessary formalities involved in moving to Denmark as a student or expat. Edited by Aalborg Municipality.

International House
International House North Denmark offers internationals a one-stop shop where you can get help with various aspects of settling in, finding work and integrating in North Denmark.

International Network Aalborg
Information for Internationals in Aalborg is a Facebook-group that shares information for internationals in Aalborg about events, activities and experiences. 

Study Aalborg
Information about studying in Aalborg, for example; student jobs, housing, events and services. Edited by Aalborg Municipality.

Life in Aalborg
A blog by Sarah Holsen with essential information about living in Aalborg.

Elsk Aalborg
Elsk Aalborg -”Love Aalborg” - is a movement made up of people, associations and companies who work to make Aalborg a better place for everyone and offers some Danish Hygge and free language lessons every Tuesday and Thursday.

De Frivilliges Hus (The House of Volunteers)
An overview of associations related to minorities in Aalborg.

Integration Aalborg’s Social Communities
A list of a lot of different communities you are very welcome to join.

DFUNK Nordjylland
Communities and events for young people with refugee background.

At Asylforum you can meet new people, chat, practice Danish, play games and receive help with letters, IT or other issues.
We also like to show new people around, and we often eat together.

Visit Aalborg
Tourist information about Aalborg.

Xpat Network North
Information about events targeted at Expats. Expat to Expat information.